Jan 31, 2007

PIN pal

Dear Kevin,
The first year I was manager of the wrestling team, I remember the team going to State. I went to get something to eat and I got lost. I found one of the cheerleaders and she helped me find my way back. I guess we have something in common! You liked the cheerleaders and so did I.
Though I had some disabilities you treated me like one of the guys and that is something I will always remember. It showed me what kind of man you were, so kind, caring and fun to be around. I remembered watching you wrestle for the championship and took second. It brought tears to my eyes to see how much you had accomplished. You and Nathan Bannick treated me so wonderfully and I will always treasure that. My heart and prayers go out to your mom and dad. They raised a wonderful son and should be very proud of it. I love you Kevin and I will miss you so much.

You PIN pal,
Mike Conlon

Mike Conlon & Kevin Ohm 004

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