Jan 29, 2007

Thoughts of Kevin

Danielle and Kevin 1996 SPHS Snow Week

I have so many questions that will never be answered. What was he thinking and how could he be so deeply depressed, yet still able to hide this from his family and friends? This tragedy does not define Kevin’s life because the Kevin that I know is not capable of carrying out this act. Feelings of guilt and constantly going over what could have been done to prevent him from doing this have been occupying my head. Kevin’s death cannot be in vain, if you need help, get help, there is no shame. If you know someone that needs help, help them. Err on the side of caring too much, go with your gut, it isn’t prying, it’s concern. Kevin’s death has sent a shockwave through a group of people, so vast, that I don’t even think he realized the amount of friends that he had amassed through is thirty short years on this earth. This isn’t the first time that we have felt Kevin’s impact though. Kevin had the most energetic, infectious personality and people were drawn to him. Kevin was an extremely loyal, dependable and sincere man, who displayed unfailing friendship to many. I have two sons of my own now and I can only wish that they will have the type of drive and dedication that Kevin displayed. Connie and Russ you should be very proud of the son that you raised. Remember Kevin’s laugh and that smirk he ALWAYS had on his face, what a great guy! Anyone that can count Kevin as a friend understands the true meaning of a gift, even if it was for a short while. You will truly be missed, you have touched my heart!

I love you, Kevin!


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