Feb 1, 2007

I will miss that bright smile:)

Kevin, I will never forget you coming around when you and Zac were trading baseball cards, and I felt like the coolest girl in grade school. Just that I could go to school the next day let EVERYONE know that you had come over to my house. Then a day left with Zac in it's hands but you were always there with that bright smile to make me feel better about the situation. Then your graduation pic's came and I was so stoked that you were gonna give me one, then you top it off with a 5x7!!!!!!! That's why I will never forget that beautiful smile. I know how you were felling and I know your in a better place hanging with your bro, and probably trading cards with Zac already-don't let him rip ya off:)

Your forever in my heart, Bobbi Jo Malloy

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